Best tip for Summer Exercise

This begins our series on Ayurveda’s take on exercise. Most of us are heading into Summer and I wanted to begin the series with a focus on exercising in the summer heat:  

Summer is full of the hot and sharp qualities of Pitta (the “summer-like” constitution). Vigorous and intense exercise is also full of the hot and sharp qualities. And what happens when we collect too much hot and sharp? It may start to show up symptoms like rashes, acne, diarrhea, inflammation anger and/or feeling depleted.

Hot, sharp qualities of summer + hot, sharp qualities of intense exercise

= potential for an overflow of Pitta!

That doesn’t mean that we need to stop exercising in the summer, however.. Switching up activities or making just a few little adjustments to our current activities can go a long way to keeping us cool little cucumbers.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

Pitta-Balancing Exercise Tips

When starting a new exercise routine or working with our current, we can stay balanced by focusing on these few tips:

  • As the Eagles said: “Take it easy.. take it eeeeaaasssyyy.”  Summer is not the time to crank up the intensity of your exercise program. Instead, keep your intensity consistent or even reduce a little.

  • Exercising in a way that feels fun and relaxed.

    • One way to do this is to avoid making it a competition with yourself or with others. (whew.. I’ve come a long way, but I’m still working on this one!)

    • Another way is to see if you can focus on how the movement feels in your body. Forget what it looks like.

  • In her book, Healthy, Happy, Sexy, Katie Silcox says to emphasize mental calm over perfection of the activity in the summer.

  • After exercise, take plenty of time to cool down and rest

Pitta-Balancing Exercise Activities

To balance the heat and intensity of summer, focus on exercise activities that are non-competitive and provide enjoyment.

Some examples:

  • Walking is wonderful any time of the year! Just 30 minutes of walking each day has been proven to have incredible health benefits. And it doesn’t even have to be done at one time. Three 10-minute walks a day will produce many benefits.

  • Non-heated Yoga. Summer is the time to reduce Power Yoga and instead look for more creative classes like Vinyasas or Five Elements. Or more cooling practices like Slow Flow, Yin or Restorative.

  • Outdoor activities like Cycling, Golf, Mountain Biking and Hiking are great choices. Remember to keep it light, have fun and avoid doing these during peak heat times of the day.

  • Dancing is creative, free and fun which can balance the intensity of this season.

  • Swimming is, of course, a wonderful exercise activity for the summer!

Best Times to Exercise

I believe that the absolute best time to exercise is whenever it works best for you (in other words, when you will do it)! If you are able to get up early and knock it out, that is great! If a lunch-time gentle sweat is what fits in your schedule, wonderful!! If later in the day, woohoo!

That said, Ayurveda recognizes the best time for most to exercise is early to mid-morning (6am-10am-ish). This is when the Kapha (Spring-like) qualities are at their peak and we have a strong container to build strength and endurance. It’s also typically the coolest part of the day in the summer.

Another “Ok” time for most people is 6-10pm. Be aware that it being so close to bedtime may have an impact on sleep.

Remember to talk to a physician before starting any new exercise program. And please do not stress about the when or even the what. Just getting up and moving your body is doing wonders for your physical and even mental well-being.

With much love and until next time,

Stay cool, 😎



Exercise for Your Constitution